Flytekit SDK#

Flytekit Python is the Python Library for easily authoring, testing, deploying, and interacting with Flyte tasks, workflows, and launch plans.


An overview of the design of the Flytekit SDK.

Core Flytekit

Contains all of the most common abstractions needed to write Flyte workflows and extend Flytekit.


A comprehensive look at the ways to configure Flytekit settings.


Contains the ImageSpec class parameters and methods.


This module provides lower level access to a Union or Flyte backend.

Unit testing

The imports exposed in this package will help you unit test your Flyte tasks.

Specifying accelerators

Used to specify accelerators in the task decorator and configure the Flyte backend to use your preferred accelerators.

Extending Flytekit

Contains useful classes and methods for extending Flytekit.

Flyte Deck

Contains Deck renderers provided by Flytekit.

Custom tasks

Flytekit ships with an extensible task system to make it easy for anyone to extend and add new task types.

Custom types

Flytekit ships with an extensible type system to make it easy for anyone to extend and add new types.

Experimental features

Contains experimental constructs. Subject to breaking changes.