Viewing tasks#

Tasks list#

Selecting Tasks in the sidebar displays a list of all the registered tasks:

Task list

You can search the tasks by name and filter for only those that are archived.

Each task in the list displays some basic information about the task:

  • Inputs: The input type for the task.

  • Outputs: The output type for the task.

  • Description: A description of the task.

Select an entry on the list to go to that specific task.

Task view#

Selecting an individual task from the task list will take you to the task view:

Task view

Here you can see:

  • Inputs & Outputs: The input and output types for the task.

  • Recent task versions. Selecting one of these takes you to the task version view

  • Recent executions of this task. Selecting one of these takes you to the execution view.

Task version list#

The task version list give you detailed information about a specific version of a task:

  • Image: The Docker image used to run this task.

  • Env Vars: The environment variables used by this task.

  • Commands: The JSON object defining this task.

At the bottom is a list of all versions of the task with the current one selected.