Other identity providers#

Depending on the type of identity provider you are using, open the appropriate directions below on the Okta site:

Now, referencing those directions, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the section with the heading Create an app at the Identify Provider.

  2. Complete all the steps in that section and make a note of the application (client) ID.

  3. Where a callback URI needs to be specified, use https://signin.hosted.unionai.cloud/oauth2/v1/authorize/callback.

  4. The last step in the setup will generate the client secret. Copy this value to a text file on your computer. Make a copy of this value.

Share the client secret securely with the Union team#

  1. Copy the public key provided by Union here: public-key.txt

  2. Go to https://pgptool.org.

  3. Click the Encrypt tab.

  4. Upload the public key provided by Union under Receiver’s public key.

  5. Skip the Signer’s Private Key section.

  6. Enter the client secret in plain text and encrypt it.

  7. Download the encrypted text and share it with the Union team over Slack.

  8. Delete the client secret from the text file on your computer.

Share the application (client) ID with Union#

Share the application (client) ID with the Union team over Slack. This value does not have to be encrypted.