Running in a local Python environment

Running in a local Python environment#

To quickly try out the code, you can run it in your local Python environment using pyflyte run:

$ pyflyte run workflows/ \
              training_workflow \
              --hyperparameters '{"C": 0.1}'

Here you are invoking pyflyte run and passing the name of the Python file and the name of the workflow within that file that you want to run. In addition, you are passing the named parameter hyperparameters and its value.

You should see the following output:

LogisticRegression(C=0.1, max_iter=3000)

This output above tells you that your workflow was executed successfully, but little else. To see actual results, we will need to run the workflow in a local Kubernetes cluster (see below).

Passing parameters#

pyflyte run enables you to execute a specific workflow using the syntax:

$ pyflyte run <path/to/> <workflow_or_task_function_name>

Keyword arguments can be supplied to pyflyte run by passing them in like this:

--<keyword> <value>

For example, if file has a workflow bar with a named parameter baz , you would invoke it like this:

$ pyflyte run bar --baz 'qux'

Here the the value qux is passed for the parameter baz.

With snake_case argument names, you have to convert them to kebab-case. For example,

$ pyflyte run bar --baz-luhrmann 'qux'

would pass the value qux for the parameter baz_luhrmann.

Why pyflyte run rather than python?#

You could add a main guard at the end of the script like this:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    training_workflow(hyperparameters={"C": 0.1})

This would let you run it with python, though you have to hard code your arguments.

It would become even more verbose if you want to pass in your arguments:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import json
    from argparse import ArgumentParser

    parser = ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("--hyperparameters", type=json.loads)
    ...  # add the other options

    args = parser.parse_args()

pyflyte run lets you dispense with this verbosity and run the workflow with the desired arguments conveniently.