Data plane setup on GCP#

To set up your data plane on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) you must allow Union to provision and maintain compute resources under your GCP account. To do this you will need to provision a service account with sufficient permissions to perform these tasks.

Select or create a project#

The first step is to select an existing project or create a new one. This is where Union will provision all resources for your data plane. Below, we use the placeholder <ProjectID> for the project ID. The actual ID can be whatever you choose. In addition, you will need the project number associated with your project. Below we use the placeholder <ProjectNumber>. The project number is visible on your project’s welcome page.

Ensure billing is linked#

Before your data plane can be deployed, you need to make sure that a billing account is linked to your project: Go to the billing page of your <ProjectId> project and confirm that a billing account is linked.

Create a workload identity pool and provider#

Though your data plane will be in your project in GCP, the Union control plane is still run in AWS. To allow the control plane to interact with your data plane you must create a workload identity pool and add Union’s AWS account as a workload provider. For more details see the Google Cloud guide for setting up workload identity federation.

In the GCP web console#

  1. In your project <ProjectId>, under IAM & Admin > Workload Identity Federation, select + CREATE POOL to create a new workload provider and pool. If you have not done so already, you will be guided to enable the required APIs.

  2. Pool Name: unionai (you can also fill in the description if you like).

  3. Under Add a provider to pool:

  • For Select a provider, choose AWS.

  • For Provider name, enter unionai-aws.

  • The Provider ID should be automatically set to unionai-aws as well. If not, select EDIT and enter it manually.

  1. For AWS Account ID, enter 479331373192 (Union’s management account ID)

  2. Continue with the default attribute mappings and conditions.

On the command line using gcloud#

Assuming you have the gcloud tool installed locally and are logged into <UnionDataPlaneProjectID>, you can check the existing workflow identity pools in your project with:

$ gcloud iam workload-identity-pools list --location="global"

To create the workload identity pool, do:

$ gcloud iam workload-identity-pools create unionai \
    --location="global" \
    --description="Union AI WIF" \

To add the provider, do:

$ gcloud iam workload-identity-pools providers create-aws unionai-aws \
    --location="global"  \
    --workload-identity-pool="unionai" \

Create a role for Union AI admin#

To ensure that the Union team has all the privileges needed to deploy the data plane, but no more than strictly necessary, you will need to create a custom role that the Union service account will assume.

To avoid having to manually select each separate required privilege we recommend that you perform this step on the command-line with gcloud.

First, you will need to download the following YAML file to the directory where you are running your gcloud commands. This file is the role definition. It is a list of the privileges that will make up the new role.

Assuming you have the above file (union-ai-admin-role.yaml) in your current directory and substituting your project ID, do:

$ gcloud iam roles create UnionaiAdministrator \
    --project=<ProjectId> \

Create the Union AI admin service account#

In the GCP web console#

  1. Go to IAM & Admin > Service Accounts.

  2. Select Create Service Account

  3. For Name, enter Union AI Administrator.

  4. For ID, enter unionai-administrator. Note that setup process used by the Union team depends on the ID being this precise string. If you use a different ID (though this is not recommended) then you must inform the Union team of this change.

  5. You can enter a Description if you wish.

  6. Grant this service account access to your project <ProjectId> with the role create above, UnionaiAdministrator.

On the command line using gcloud#

Create the service account like this:

$ gcloud iam service-accounts create unionai-administrator \
    --project <ProjectId>

Bind the service account to the project and add the Union AI Administrator role like this (again, substituting your project ID):

$ gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding <ProjectId> \
    --member="serviceAccount:unionai-administrator@<ProjectId>" \

Grant access for the Workflow Identity Pool to the Service Account#

In the GCP web console#

  1. Go to the newly created workload identity pool page.

  2. Select Grant Access.

  3. Choose the newly created service account.

  4. Select Save.

On the command line using gcloud#

To grant the WIP access to the service account, do the following. Notice that you must substitute your <ProjectId> and your <ProjectNumber>.

$ gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding unionai-administrator@<ProjectId> \
      --project=<ProjectId> \
      --role="roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser" \

Enable services API#

You will need to enable the following service APIs.



Artifact Registry API

Cloud Autoscaling API

Cloud Key Management Service (KMS) API

Cloud Resource Manager API

Compute Engine API

Kubernetes Engine API

Container File System API

Container Registry API

Identity and Access Management (IAM) APIs

IAM Service Account Credentials API

Cloud Logging API

Cloud Monitoring API

Secret Manager API

Service Networking API

Security Token Service API

Cloud SQL Admin API

Cloud Storage Services API

In the GCP web console#

Go to Google Cloud API library and enable each of these by searching for it and clicking ENABLE.

On the command line using gcloud#

Perform the following gcloud commands:

$ gcloud services enable
$ gcloud services enable
$ gcloud services enable
$ gcloud services enable
$ gcloud services enable
$ gcloud services enable
$ gcloud services enable
$ gcloud services enable
$ gcloud services enable
$ gcloud services enable
$ gcloud services enable
$ gcloud services enable
$ gcloud services enable
$ gcloud services enable
$ gcloud services enable
$ gcloud services enable
$ gcloud services enable

Export Workflow Identity Config#

  1. Go to the newly created workload identity pool page.

  2. Select Connected Service Accounts in the right pane.

  3. Select Download under Client Library Config.

  4. Send the downloaded file to the Union Team to complete the setup process. There are no secrets stored in this file.

Setting up and managing your own VPC (optional)#

If you decide to manage your own VPC instead of leaving it to Union, then you will need to set it up yourself. The VPC should be configured with the following characteristics:

  • We recommend using a VPC that resides in the same project as the Union Data Plane Kubernetes cluster. If you want to use a shared VPC, contact Union support.

  • Create a single VPC subnet with:

    • A primary IPv4 range with /18 CIDR mask. This is used for cluster node IP addresses.

    • A secondary range with /15 CIDR mask. This is used for Kubernetes Pod IP addresses. We recommend associating the name with pods, e.g. gke-pods.

    • A secondary range with /18 CIDR mask. This is used for Kubernetes service IP address. We recommend associating the name with services, e.g. gke-services.

    • Identify a /28 CIDR block that will be used for the Kubernetes Master IP addresses. Note this CIDR block is not reserved within the subnet. Google Kubernetes Engine requires this /28 block to be available.

Once your VPC is set up, provide the following to Union:

  • VPC name

  • Subnet region and name

  • The secondary range name for the /15 CIDR mask and /16 CIDR mask

  • The /18 CIDR block that was left unallocated for the Kubernetes Master

Example VPC CIDR Block allocation#

  • Subnet 1 primary IPv4 range → Used for GCP Nodes

  • Cluster secondary IPv4 range named gke-pods → Used for Kubernetes Pods

  • Service secondary IPv4 range named gke-services → Used for Kubernetes Services

  • Unallocated for Kubernetes Master