
A launch plan may be associated with one or more notifications, which are triggered when the launch plan’s workflow is completed.

There are three types of notifications:

  • Email: Sends an email to the specified recipients.

  • PagerDuty: Sends a PagerDuty notification to the PagerDuty service (with recipients specified). PagerDuty then forwards the notification as per your PagerDuty configuration.

  • Slack: Sends a Slack notification to the email address of a specified channel. This requires that you configure your Slack account to accept notifications.

Separate notifications can be sent depending on the specific end state of the workflow. The options are:

  • WorkflowExecutionPhase.ABORTED

  • WorkflowExecutionPhase.FAILED

  • WorkflowExecutionPhase.SUCCEEDED

  • WorkflowExecutionPhase.TIMED_OUT

For example: