
Launch plans let you schedule the invocation of your workflows. A launch plan can be associated with one or more schedules, where at most one schedule is active at any one time. If a schedule is activated on a launch plan, the workflow will be invoked automatically by the system at the scheduled time with the inputs provided by the launch plan.

To add a schedule to a launch plan, add a schedule object to the launch plan, like this:

Here we specify a FixedRate schedule that will invoke the workflow every 10 minutes. Fixed rate schedules can also be defined using days or hours.

Alternatively, you can specify a CronSchedule that uses the Unix standard cron format(See crontab guru for a handy helper for cron expressions):


Both FixedRate and CronSchedule can take an optional parameter called kickoff_time_input_arg

This parameter is used to specify the name of a workflow input argument. Each time the system invokes the workflow via this schedule, the time of the invocation will be passed to the workflow through the specified parameter. For example:

Here, each time the schedule calls my_workflow, the invocation time is passed in the kickoff_time argument.