Serving NVIDIA NIM Models with Union Actors#

This tutorial shows you how to serve NVIDIA NIM-supported models using Union actors.

By using Union actors, we ensure the model is pulled from the model registry and initialized only once. This setup guarantees the model remains available for serving as long as the actor is running, enabling efficient inference.

Using this approach, we’re upgrading from batch inference to near-real-time inference, taking advantage of Union actors to improve performance.

Let’s dive in by importing the necessary libraries and modules:

Run on Union BYOC

Once you have a Union account, install union:

pip install union

Export the following environment variable to build and push images to your own container registry:

# replace with your registry name
export IMAGE_SPEC_REGISTRY="<your-container-registry>"

Then run the following commands to run the workflow:

git clone
cd nim_on_actor
union run --remote batch_inference_wf

The source code for this tutorial can be found here .

import functools
import os
from typing import Iterator
import flytekit as fl
from flytekit.extras.accelerators import A10G
from flytekitplugins.inference import NIM, NIMSecrets
from import ActorEnvironment

Creating secrets#

This workflow requires both a Hugging Face API key and an NGC API key. Below are the steps to set up these secrets:

Setting up the Hugging Face secret#

  1. Generate an API key: Obtain your API key from the Hugging Face website.

  2. Create a Secret: Use the Union CLI to create the secret:

union create secret hf-api-key

Setting up the NGC secret#

  1. Generate an API key: Obtain your API key from the NGC website.

  2. Create a secret: Use the Union CLI to create the secret:

union create secret ngc-key

Creating the image pull secret#

To pull the container image from NGC, you need to create a Docker registry secret manually. Run the following command:

kubectl create -n <PROJECT>-<DEMO> secret docker-registry nvcrio-cred \ \
  --docker-username='$oauthtoken' \

Key details#

  • NGC_IMAGE_SECRET: Required to pull the container image from NGC.

  • NGC_KEY: Used to pull models from NGC after the container is up and running.

HF_KEY = "hf-api-key"
HF_REPO_ID = "Samhita/OrpoLlama-3-8B-Instruct"
NGC_KEY = "ngc-key"
NGC_IMAGE_SECRET = "nvcrio-cred"

Defining the imagespec#

We include all the necessary libraries in the imagespec to ensure they are available when executing the workflow.

image = fl.ImageSpec(

Loading Arxiv data#

In this step, we load the Arxiv data using LangChain. You can adjust the load_max_docs parameter to a higher value to retrieve more documents from the Arxiv repository.

def load_arxiv() -> Iterator[str]:
    from langchain_community.document_loaders import ArxivLoader

    loader = ArxivLoader(
        query="reasoning", load_max_docs=5, load_all_available_meta=False
    documents = loader.load()

    for document in documents:
        yield document.page_content

Instanting NIM and defining an actor environment#

We instantiate the NIM plugin and set up the actor environment. We load a fine-tuned LLama3 8B model to serve.

nim_instance = NIM(
    env={"NIM_PEFT_SOURCE": "/home/nvs/loras"},

By default, the NIM instantiation sets cpu, gpu, and mem to 1, 1, and 20Gi, respectively. You can modify these settings as needed.

Setting the replica count to 1 in the actor to ensure the model is served once and reused for generating predictions. The NIM pod template is configured within the actor definition. The TTL (Time-To-Live) is set to 300 seconds, meaning the actor will remain active for 300 seconds without any tasks running. An A10G GPU is used to serve the model, ensuring optimal performance.

actor_env = ActorEnvironment(
    secret_requests=[fl.Secret(key=HF_KEY), fl.Secret(key=NGC_KEY)],

Defining an actor task#

In this step, we define an actor task to generate summaries of Arxiv PDFs. The task uses the LLama3 model in combination with LangChain for summarization.

def generate_summary(pdf: str, repo_id: str) -> str:
    from langchain.chains.combine_documents import create_stuff_documents_chain
    from langchain_core.documents import Document
    from langchain_core.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate
    from langchain_nvidia_ai_endpoints import ChatNVIDIA

    os.environ["NVIDIA_API_KEY"] = fl.current_context().secrets.get(key=NGC_KEY)

    llm = ChatNVIDIA(
        base_url=f"{nim_instance.base_url}/v1", model=repo_id.split("/")[1]

    prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_template("Summarize this content: {context}")
    chain = create_stuff_documents_chain(llm, prompt)

    return chain.invoke({"context": [Document(page_content=pdf[:8192])]})

Defining a workflow#

Here, we set up a workflow that first loads the data and then summarizes it. We use a map task to generate summaries in parallel. Since the replica count is set to 1, only one map task runs at a time. However, if you increase the replica count, more tasks will run concurrently, spinning up additional models for faster serving.

After the first run, subsequent summarization tasks reuse the actor environment, speeding up the process.

The workflow returns a list of summaries.

def batch_inference_wf(repo_id: str = HF_REPO_ID) -> list[str]:
    arxiv_pdfs = load_arxiv()
    return fl.map_task(functools.partial(generate_summary, repo_id=repo_id))(