CLI authentication#

The command line tools uctl or union must authenticate to Union in order to perform operations on the platform. The authentication mechanism is configured in the config.yaml file used by the command line tool.

By default, the union CLI will look for a configuration file at ~/.union/config.yaml. (See union CLI for more details.) You can override this behavior to specify a different configuration file by setting the UNION_CONFIG environment variable:

export UNION_CONFIG=~/.my-config-location/my-config.yaml

Alternatively, you can always specify the configuration file on the command line when invoking union by using the --config flag:

$ union --config ~/.my-config-location/my-config.yaml run my_workflow


If you have previously used Union, you may have configuration files left over that will interfere with access to Union Serverless through the union CLI tool. Make sure to remove any files in ~/.unionai/ or ~/.union/ and unset the environment variables UNIONAI_CONFIG and UNION_CONFIG to avoid conflicts.

There are three authentication mechanisms available: PKCE, DeviceFlow, and ClientSecret.


Proof Key of Code Exchange (PKCE) is the default mechanism. It opens a browser window allowing the user to login. The authentication flow with this mechanism works like this:

  • The user invokes uctl or union to perform an operation in Union.

  • A browser window opens allowing the user to log in.

  • On successful login, the command-line action completes.

Here is an example config.yaml that uses PKCE:

  endpoint: https://<YourOrg>
  insecure: false
  authType: Pkce
  show-source: true
  level: 0
    host: https://<YourOrg>
    insecure: false
    type: Pkce


With DeviceFlow the command line tool returns a URL that the user can then navigate to. The authentication flow with this mechanism works like this:

  • The user invokes uctl or union to perform an operation in Union.

  • The command returns a URL.

  • The user navigates to that URL and follows the instructions.

  • Upon successful login, the command-line action completes.

Here is an example config.yaml that uses DeviceFlow:

  endpoint: dns:///<YourOrg>
  insecure: false
  authType: DeviceFlow
  show-source: true
  level: 0
    host: dns:///<YourOrg>
    insecure: false
    type: DeviceFlow


During authentication, Union attempts to store an authentication token on the keyring service of the operating system. If you are authenticating from within an SSH session on a Linux based machine, there may not be a keyring service by default. If you find that browser based authentication is required every time you run or register your workflows, you may need to run pip install keyring or pip install keyrings.alt to install a keyring service on your machine.


This is the headless option. It is useful for CIs and other bots.

The authentication flow with ClientSecret works like this:

  • The user (or machine bot) invokes uctl or union to perform an operation in Union.

  • Internally the tool authenticates to using the configured secret.

  • Upon successful authentication, the command-line action completes.

With this mechanism, you need to first set up an application. Create the app as described in Applications, assigning it a clientId and recording the AppSecret that is returned.

You then store the AppSecret in either a local file or an environment variable and set up your config.yaml to reference it.

Here is an example config.yaml that uses ClientSecret with a file:

  endpoint: dns:///<YourOrg>
  insecure: false
  authType: ClientSecret
  clientId: <YourAppId>
  clientSecretLocation: /path/to/secret.txt
  show-source: true
  level: 0
    host: dns:///<YourOrg>
    insecure: false
    type: ClientSecret
    clientId: <YourAppId>
    clientSecretLocation: /path/to/secret.txt

Here is an example that uses ClientSecret with an environment variable:

  endpoint: dns:///<YourOrg>
  insecure: false
  authType: ClientSecret
  clientId: <YourAppId>
  clientSecretEnvVar: YOUR_APP_SECRET
  show-source: true
  level: 0
    host: dns:///<YourOrg>
    insecure: false
    type: ClientSecret
    clientId: <YourAppId>
    clientSecretEnvVar: YOUR_APP_SECRET