Genomic Alignment#
This tutorial demonstrates how to use Flyte to build a workflow that performs genomic alignment on sequencing data. The workflow takes as input a reference genome and raw sequencing data, performs quality filtering and preprocessing on the raw data, generates an index for the reference genome, and aligns the filtered data to the reference genome using the Bowtie 2 aligner.
The tutorial is divided into the following sections:
Define the container image
Define the data classes
Define the tasks
Define the workflow
Run on Union BYOC
Once you have a Union account, install union
pip install union
Export the following environment variable to build and push images to your own container registry:
# replace with your registry name
export IMAGE_SPEC_REGISTRY="<your-container-registry>"
Then run the following commands to run the workflow:
git clone
cd unionai-examples/tutorials/genomic_alignment
union run --remote alignment_wf
The source code for this tutorial can be found here .
import os
import requests
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Tuple
from dataclasses import dataclass
from mashumaro.mixins.json import DataClassJSONMixin
from flytekit import (
from import subproc_execute
from flytekit.types.file import FlyteFile
from import FlyteDirectory
Defining a Container Image#
The previously imported packages are either in the Python Standard Library or included by
default in the base flyte image used by Union. However, since we want to take advantage of
a few additional tools, we’ll be using ImageSpec to define a custom container image.
ImageSpec lets us easily specify the bioconda
channel as well as our preprocessing
packages, fastp
and our aligner, bowtie2
. Using ImageSpec here saves us from having
to manually pull a micromamba binary, set up environments, and install packages.
main_img = ImageSpec(
Defining Data Classes#
We define three data classes to represent the reference genome, sequencing reads, and alignment results. We’ll first define a convenience function to download files, which we’ll use within each dataclass to materialize the appropriate assets from their remote locations.
def fetch_file(url: str, local_dir: str) -> Path:
Downloads a file from the specified URL.
url (str): The URL of the file to download.
local_dir (Path): The directory where you would like this file saved.
Path: The local path to the file.
requests.HTTPError: If an HTTP error occurs while downloading the file.
url_parts = url.split("/")
fname = url_parts[-1]
local_path = Path(local_dir).joinpath(fname)
response = requests.get(url)
with open(local_path, "wb") as file:
return local_path
Reference genomes are used extensively throughout bioinformatics workflows. We define a
data class to represent a reference genome and its associated index files. The
class includes attributes for the reference name, the directory containing the reference and
index files, the index name, and the tool used to create the index. Indices are tool-specific
files generated from the reference which allow for efficient access.
class Reference(DataClassJSONMixin):
Represents a reference FASTA and associated index files.
ref_name (str): Name or identifier of the reference file.
ref_dir (FlyteDirectory): Directory containing the reference and any index files.
index_name (str): Index string to pass to tools requiring it. Some tools require just the
ref name and assume index files are in the same dir, others require the index name.
indexed_with (str): Name of tool used to create the index.
ref_name: str
ref_dir: FlyteDirectory
index_name: str | None = None
indexed_with: str | None = None
def from_remote(cls, url: str):
ref_dir = Path("/tmp/reference_genome")
ref_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
ref = fetch_file(url, ref_dir)
return cls(, FlyteDirectory(path=str(ref_dir)))
Sequencing reads are the raw data generated from a sequencing experiment. In order to
parallelize processing of the (extremely) long strands of DNA contained in each cell,
we first split them up into much smaller segments. The digital representation of these
sequenced segments are called Reads. We define a Reads
data class to represent a sequencing
reads sample via its associated FastQ files. FastQ files are simply long text files of these
reads with associated quality scores. The class includes attributes for the sample name and
paths to the read files (R1 and R2). We define a similar from_remote
method which fetches
a list of URLs and constructs a list of Reads
class Reads(DataClassJSONMixin):
Represents a sequencing reads sample via its associated FastQ files.
This class defines the structure for representing a sequencing sample. It includes
attributes for the sample name and paths to the read files (R1 and R2).
sample (str): The name or identifier of the raw sequencing sample.
read1 (FlyteFile): A FlyteFile object representing the path to the raw R1 read file.
read2 (FlyteFile): A FlyteFile object representing the path to the raw R2 read file.
sample: str
read1: FlyteFile | None = None
read2: FlyteFile | None = None
def get_read_fnames(self):
return (
def get_report_fname(self):
return f"{self.sample}_fastq-filter-report.json"
def from_remote(cls, urls: List[str]):
dl_loc = Path("/tmp/reads")
dl_loc.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
samples = {}
for url in urls:
fp = fetch_file(url, dl_loc)
sample = fp.stem.split("_")[0]
if sample not in samples:
samples[sample] = Reads(sample=sample)
if ".fastq.gz" in or "fasta" in
mate =".fastq.gz").strip(".filt").split("_")[-1]
if "1" in mate:
samples[sample].read1 = FlyteFile(path=str(fp))
elif "2" in mate:
samples[sample].read2 = FlyteFile(path=str(fp))
return list(samples.values())
Finally, we define an Alignment
data class to represent an alignment file and its associated
sample, format, index, and the tool used for the alignment. Alignments are the result of
mapping the reads back to the reference genome. This is necessary to perform downstream analyses
such as variant calling, gene expression quantification, and more.
class Alignment(DataClassJSONMixin):
Represents an alignment file and its associated sample.
sample (str): The name or identifier of the sample to which the alignment file belongs.
aligner (str): The name of the aligner used to generate the alignment file.
format (str): The format of the alignment file (e.g., SAM, BAM).
alignment (FlyteFile): A FlyteFile object representing the path to the alignment file.
alignment_idx (FlyteFile): A FlyteFile object representing an alignment index file.
sample: str
aligner: str
format: str | None = None
alignment: FlyteFile | None = None
alignment_idx: FlyteFile | None = None
def get_alignment_fname(self):
return f"{self.sample}_{self.aligner}_aligned.{self.format}"
We define a series of tasks to perform the following operations:
Fetch assets from remote URLs
Perform quality filtering and preprocessing using FastP
Generate Bowtie2 index files from a reference genome
Perform alignment using Bowtie2 on a filtered sample
The first task is quite simple, it simply calls the from_remote
methods on both the Reference
and Reads
classes. It will also
cache these assets, so they won’t need to be re-downloaded. This isn’t
as important with the small files we’re working with here, but can be
crucial when working with large reference genomes and sequencing data.
@task(container_image=main_img, cache=True, cache_version="1.0")
def fetch_assets(ref_url: str, read_urls: List[str]) -> Tuple[Reference, List[Reads]]:
Fetch assets from remote URLs.
ref = Reference.from_remote(url=ref_url)
samples = Reads.from_remote(urls=read_urls)
return ref, samples
The second task performs quality filtering and preprocessing using FastP on a Reads object.
FastP is a performant tool for such operations as removing duplicate, or low-quality reads.
Since it’s a CLI tool, we’re wrapping it in a Python task and using the subproc_execute
helper function. This helper is a Flyte-aware wrapper around
that will
surface any errors to the Union console. Notice how we’re also increasing the memory
requests for this task so FastP can efficiently process reads from larger FastQ files.
This is one of Flyte’s key strengths: declaring the infrastructure requests alongside
the task code that depend on them. This allows developers to have clear, versioned, and
reproducible executions every time.
def pyfastp(rs: Reads) -> Reads:
Perform quality filtering and preprocessing using Fastp on a Reads.
This function takes a Reads object containing raw sequencing data, performs quality
filtering and preprocessing using the FastP tool, and returns a Reads object
representing the filtered and processed data.
rs (Reads): A Reads object containing raw sequencing data to be processed.
Reads: A Reads object representing the filtered and preprocessed data.
ldir = Path(current_context().working_directory)
samp = Reads(rs.sample)
o1, o2 = samp.get_read_fnames()
o1p = ldir.joinpath(o1)
o2p = ldir.joinpath(o2)
cmd = [
samp.read1 = FlyteFile(path=str(o1p))
samp.read2 = FlyteFile(path=str(o2p))
return samp
Next, we define a task to generate Bowtie2 index files from a reference genome. This task takes a Reference object containing the reference genome and adds the index to the same FlyteDirectory, while also adding its name and the tool used to generate it. Different tools have different conventions around the index name, so it’s important to keep track of. As the index for a given tool and reference seldom changes, we’ll cache this task to avoid regenerating it as well.
def bowtie2_index(ref: Reference) -> Reference:
Generate Bowtie2 index files from a reference genome.
ref (Reference): A Reference object representing the reference genome.
Reference: The same reference object with the index_name and indexed_with attributes set.
idx_name = "bt2_idx"
cmd = [
return Reference(ref.ref_name, FlyteDirectory(ref.ref_dir.path), idx_name, "bowtie2")
The next task performs paired-end alignment using Bowtie 2 on a single sample.
Similarly to the FastP task, we’re wrapping the Bowtie2 CLI in a Python task and using
the subproc_execute
helper function. This allows us to unpack the Reads
and Reference
objects, and download the reference index before running the alignment. We then return an
object with the path to the alignment file, the sample name, aligner used,
and format.
requests=Resources(cpu="2", mem="10Gi"),
def bowtie2_align_paired_reads(idx: Reference, fs: Reads) -> Alignment:
Perform paired-end alignment using Bowtie 2 on a filtered sample.
This function takes a Reference object representing the Bowtie 2 index and a
Reads object containing filtered sample data. It performs paired-end alignment
using Bowtie 2 and returns an Alignment object representing the resulting alignment.
idx (Reference): A Reference object containing the Bowtie 2 index.
fs (Reads): A filtered sample Reads object containing filtered sample data to be aligned.
Alignment: An Alignment object representing the alignment result.
assert idx.indexed_with == "bowtie2", "Reference index must be generated with bowtie2"
ldir = Path(current_context().working_directory)
alignment = Alignment(fs.sample, "bowtie2", "sam")
al = ldir.joinpath(alignment.get_alignment_fname())
cmd = [
alignment.alignment = FlyteFile(path=str(al))
return alignment
Finally, we define a dynamic workflow to process samples through the Bowtie2 task above.
Dynamics are a handy parallelism construct that give your workflow more flexibility via
the ability to process and arbitrary number of samples. In this case, we’re taking a list
of Reads
objects and returning a list of Alignment
def bowtie2_align_samples(idx: Reference, samples: List[Reads]) -> List[Alignment]:
Process samples through bowtie2.
This function takes a FlyteDirectory objects representing a bowtie index and a list of
Reads objects containing filtered sample data. It performs paired-end alignment
using bowtie2. It then returns a list of Alignment objects representing the alignment results.
bt2_idx (FlyteDirectory): The FlyteDirectory object representing the bowtie2 index.
samples (List[Reads]): A list of Reads objects containing sample data
to be processed.
List[List[Alignment]]: A list of lists, where each inner list contains alignment
results (Alignment objects) for a sample, with results from both aligners.
sams = []
for sample in samples:
sam = bowtie2_align_paired_reads(idx=idx, fs=sample)
return sams
End-to-End Workflow#
We’re tying everything together in a final workflow that fetches assets, filters them, generates
an index, and aligns the samples. This workflow is a simple linear pipeline, but the tasks are
designed to be modular and reusable. This makes it easy to swap out tools, or add additional
processing steps as needed. Note that we’re also using a map_task
to parallelize the FastP
task across all samples. Map tasks are a similar parallelism construct to dynamics, but trade
some flexibility for improved performance.
def alignment_wf() -> List[Alignment]:
# Prepare raw samples from input directory
ref, samples = fetch_assets(
# Map out filtering across all samples and generate indices
filtered_samples = map_task(pyfastp)(rs=samples)
# Generate a bowtie2 index or load it from cache
bowtie2_idx = bowtie2_index(ref=ref)
# Generate alignments using bowtie2
sams = bowtie2_align_samples(idx=bowtie2_idx, samples=filtered_samples)
# Return the alignments
return sams
You can now run the workflow using the command in the dropdown at the top of the page!