Viewing workflows#

Workflows list#

The workflows list shows all workflows in the current project and domain:

Workflows list

You can search the list by name and filter for only those that are archived. To archive a workflow, select the archive icon Archive icon.

Each entry in the list provides some basic information about the workflow:

  • Last execution time: The time of the most recent execution of this workflow.

  • Last 10 executions: The status of the last 10 executions of this workflow.

  • Inputs: The input type for the workflow.

  • Outputs: The output type for the workflow.

  • Description: The description of the workflow.

Select an entry on the list to go to that specific workflow.

Workflow view#

The workflow view provides details about a specific workflow.

Workflow view

This view provides:

  • A list of recent workflow versions: Selecting a version will take you to the workflow version list.

  • A list of recent executions: Selecting an execution will take you to the execution view.

Workflow versions list#

The workflow versions list shows the a list of all versions of this workflow along with a graph view of the workflow structure:

Workflow version list

Workflow and task descriptions#

Union enables the use of docstrings to document your code. Docstrings are stored in the control plane and displayed on the UI for each workflow or task.