Downloading with FlyteFile and FlyteDirectory#

The basic idea behind FlyteFile and FlyteDirectory is that they represent files and directories in remote storage. When you work with these objects in your tasks, you are working with references to the remote files and directories.

Of course, at some point you will need to access the actual contents of these files and directories, which means that they has to be downloaded to the local file system of the task container.

The actual files and directories of a FlyteFile or FlyteDirectory are downloaded to the local file system of the task container in two ways:

  • Explicitly, through a call to the download method.

  • Implicitly, through automatic downloading. This occurs when an external function is called on the FlyteFile or FlyteDirectory that itself calls the __fspath__ method.

To write efficient and performant task and workflow code, it is particularly important to have a solid understanding of when exactly downloading occurs. Let’s look at some examples showing when the content FlyteFiles and FlyteDirectories are downloaded to the local task container filesystem.


Calling download on a FlyteFile

def my_task(ff: FlyteFile):
    print(os.path.isfile(ff.path))  # This will print False as nothing has been downloaded
    print(os.path.isfile(ff.path))  # This will print True as the FlyteFile was downloaded

Note that we use ff.path which is of type typing.Union[str, os.PathLike] rather than using ff in os.path.isfile directly. In the next example, we will see that using os.path.isfile(ff) invokes __fspath__ which downloads the file.

Implicit downloading by __fspath__

In order to make use of some functions like os.path.isfile that you may be used to using with regular file paths, FlyteFile implements a __fspath__ method that downloads the remote contents to the path of FlyteFile local to the container.

def my_task(ff: FlyteFile):
    print(os.path.isfile(ff.path))  # This will print False as nothing has been downloaded
    print(os.path.isfile(ff))  # This will print True as os.path.isfile(ff) downloads via __fspath__
    print(os.path.isfile(ff.path))  # This will again print True as the file was downloaded

It is important to be aware of any operations on your FlyteFile that might call __fspath__ and result in downloading. Some examples include, calling open(ff, mode="r") directly on a FlyteFile (rather than on the path attribute) to get the contents of the path, or similarly calling shutil.copy or pathlib.Path directly on a FlyteFile.


Calling download on a FlyteDirectory

def my_task(fd: FlyteDirectory):
    print(os.listdir(fd.path))  # This will print nothing as the directory has not been downloaded
    print(os.listdir(fd.path))  # This will print the files present in the directory as it has been downloaded

Similar to how the path argument was used above for the FlyteFile, note that we use fd.path which is of type typing.Union[str, os.PathLike] rather than using fd in os.listdir directly. Again, we will see that this is because of the invocation of __fspath__ when os.listdir(fd) is called.

Implicit downloading by __fspath__

In order to make use of some functions like os.listdir that you may be used to using with directories, FlyteDirectory implements a __fspath__ method that downloads the remote contents to the path of FlyteDirectory local to the container.

def my_task(fd: FlyteDirectory):
    print(os.listdir(fd.path))  # This will print nothing as the directory has not been downloaded
    print(os.listdir(fd))  # This will print the files present in the directory as os.listdir(fd) downloads via __fspath__
    print(os.listdir(fd.path))  # This will again print the files present in the directory as it has been downloaded

It is important to be aware of any operations on your FlyteDirectory that might call __fspath__ and result in downloading. Some other examples include, calling os.stat directly on a FlyteDirectory (rather than on the path attribute) to get the status of the path, or similarly calling os.path.isdir on a FlyteDirectory to check if a directory exists.

Inspecting the contents of a directory without downloading using crawl

As we saw above, using os.listdir on a FlyteDirectory to view the contents in remote blob storage results in the contents being downloaded to the task container. If this should be avoided, the crawl method offers a means of inspecting the contents of the directory without calling __fspath__ and therefore downloading the directory contents.

def task1() -> FlyteDirectory:
    p = os.path.join(current_context().working_directory, "my_new_directory")

    # Create and write to two files
    with open(os.path.join(p, "file_1.txt"), 'w') as file1:
        file1.write("This is file 1.")
    with open(os.path.join(p, "file_2.txt"), 'w') as file2:
        file2.write("This is file 2.")

    return FlyteDirectory(p)

def task2(fd: FlyteDirectory):
    print(os.listdir(fd.path))  # This will print nothing as the directory has not been downloaded
    print(list(fd.crawl()))  # This will print the files present in the remote blob storage
    # e.g. [('s3://union-contoso/ke/fe503def6ebe04fa7bba-n0-0/160e7266dcaffe79df85489771458d80', 'file_1.txt'), ('s3://union-contoso/ke/fe503def6ebe04fa7bba-n0-0/160e7266dcaffe79df85489771458d80', 'file_2.txt')]
    print(list(fd.crawl(detail=True)))  # This will print the files present in the remote blob storage with details including type, the time it was created, and more
    # e.g. [('s3://union-contoso/ke/fe503def6ebe04fa7bba-n0-0/160e7266dcaffe79df85489771458d80', {'file_1.txt': {'Key': 'union-contoso/ke/fe503def6ebe04fa7bba-n0-0/160e7266dcaffe79df85489771458d80/file_1.txt', 'LastModified': datetime.datetime(2024, 7, 9, 16, 16, 21, tzinfo=tzlocal()), 'ETag': '"cfb2a3740155c041d2c3e13ad1d66644"', 'Size': 15, 'StorageClass': 'STANDARD', 'type': 'file', 'size': 15, 'name': 'union-contoso/ke/fe503def6ebe04fa7bba-n0-0/160e7266dcaffe79df85489771458d80/file_1.txt'}}), ('s3://union-contoso/ke/fe503def6ebe04fa7bba-n0-0/160e7266dcaffe79df85489771458d80', {'file_2.txt': {'Key': 'union-contoso/ke/fe503def6ebe04fa7bba-n0-0/160e7266dcaffe79df85489771458d80/file_2.txt', 'LastModified': datetime.datetime(2024, 7, 9, 16, 16, 21, tzinfo=tzlocal()), 'ETag': '"500d703f270d4bc034e159480c83d329"', 'Size': 15, 'StorageClass': 'STANDARD', 'type': 'file', 'size': 15, 'name': 'union-contoso/ke/fe503def6ebe04fa7bba-n0-0/160e7266dcaffe79df85489771458d80/file_2.txt'}})]
    print(os.listdir(fd.path))  # This will again print nothing as the directory has not been downloaded