Mapping over launch plans#

You can map over launch plans the same way you can map over tasks to execute workflows in parallel across a series of inputs.

You can either map over a LaunchPlan object defined in one of your Python modules or a reference launch plan that points to a previously registered launch plan.

Launch plan defined in your code#

Here we define a workflow called interest_workflow that we want to parallelize, along with a launch plan called interest_workflow_lp, in a file we’ll call We then write a separate workflow, map_interest_wf, that uses a map_task to parallelize interest_workflow over a list of inputs.

import union

# Task to calculate monthly interest payment on a loan
def calculate_interest(principal: int, rate: float, time: int) -> float:
    return (principal * rate * time) / 12

# Workflow using the calculate_interest task
def interest_workflow(principal: int, rate: float, time: int) -> float:
    return calculate_interest(principal=principal, rate=rate, time=time)

# Create LaunchPlan for interest_workflow
lp = union.LaunchPlan.get_or_create(

# Mapping over the launch plan to calculate interest for multiple loans
def map_interest_wf() -> list[float]:
    principal = [1000, 5000, 10000]
    rate = [0.05, 0.04, 0.03]  # Different interest rates for each loan
    time = [12, 24, 36]        # Loan periods in months
    return union.map_task(lp)(principal=principal, rate=rate, time=time)

You can run the map_interest workflow locally:

union run map_interest_wf

You can also run the map_interest workflow remotely on

union run --remote map_interest_wf

Previously registered launch plan#

To demonstrate the ability to map over previously registered launch plans, in this example, we map over the simple_wf launch plan from the basic workflow example in the Flytesnacks repository.

Recall that when a workflow is registered, an associated launch plan is created automatically. One of these launch plans will be leveraged in this example, though custom launch plans can also be used.

  1. Clone the Flytesnacks repository:

    git clone [email protected]:flyteorg/flytesnacks.git
  2. Navigate to the basics directory:

    cd flytesnacks/examples/basics
  3. Register the simple_wf workflow:

    union register --project flytesnacks --domain development --version v1 basics/

    Note that the simple_wf workflow is defined as follows:

    def simple_wf(x: list[int], y: list[int]) -> float:
        slope_value = slope(x=x, y=y)
        intercept_value = intercept(x=x, y=y, slope=slope_value)
        return intercept_value
  4. Create a file called and copy the following code into it:

    import union
    from flytekit import reference_launch_plan
    def simple_wf_lp(
        x: list[int], y: list[int]
    ) -> float:
    def map_simple_wf() -> list[float]:
        x = [[-3, 0, 3], [-8, 2, 4], [7, 3, 1]]
        y = [[7, 4, -2], [-2, 4, 7], [3, 6, 4]]
        return union.map_task(simple_wf_lp)(x=x, y=y)

    Note the fact that the reference launch plan has an interface that corresponds exactly to the registered simple_wf we wish to map over.

  5. Register the map_simple_wf workflow. Reference launch plans cannot be run locally, so we will register the map_simple_wf workflow to and run it remotely.

    union register
  6. In the UI, run the map_simple_wf workflow.