FlyteFile and FlyteDirectory#

In, each task runs in its own container. This means that a file or directory created locally in one task will not automatically be available in other tasks.

The natural way to solve this problem is for the source task to to upload the file or directory to a common location (like the object store) and then pass a reference to that location to the destination task, which then downloads or streams the data.

Since this is such a common use case, the SDK provides the FlyteFile and FlyteDirectory classes, which automate this process.

How the classes work#

The classes work by wrapping a file or directory location path and, if necessary, maintaining the persistence of the referenced file or directory across task containers.

When you return a FlyteFile (or FlyteDirectory) object from a task, checks to see if the underlying file or directory is local to the task container or if it already exists in a remote location.

If it is local to the source container, then automatically uploads it to an object store so that it is not lost when the task container is discarded on task completion. If the file or directory is already remote, then no upload is performed.

When the FlyteFile (or FlyteDirectory) is passed into the next task, the location of the source file (or directory) is available within the object and it can be downloaded or streamed.

Local examples#

Local means local to the container

The terms local file and local_directory in this section refer to a file or directory local to the container running a task in They do not refer to a file or directory on your local machine.

Local file example#

Let’s say you have a local file in the container running task_1 that you want to make accessible in the next task, task_2. To do this, you create a FlyteFile object using the local path of the file, and then pass the FlyteFile object as part of your workflow, like this:

def task_1() -> FlyteFile:
    local_path = os.path.join(current_context().working_directory, "data.txt")
    with open(local_path, mode="w") as f:
        f.write("Here is some sample data.")
    return FlyteFile(path=local_path)

def task_2(ff: FlyteFile):
    with"r") as f
        file_contents =

def wf():
    ff = task_1()
    task_2(ff=ff) handles the passing of the FlyteFile ff in the workflow wf from task_1 to task_2:

  • The FlyteFile object is initialized with the path (local to the task_1 container) of the file you wish to share.

  • When the FlyteFile is passed out of task_1, uploads the local file to a unique location in the object store. A randomly generated, universally unique location is used to ensure that subsequent uploads of other files never overwrite each other.

  • The object store location is used to initialize the URI attribute of a Flyte Blob object. Note that Flyte objects are not Python objects. They exist at the workflow level and are used to pass data between task containers. For more details, see Flyte Core Language Specification > Literals.

  • The Blob object is passed to task_2.

  • Because the type of the input parameter of task_2 is FlyteFile, converts the Blob back into a FlyteFile and sets the remote_source attribute of that FlyteFile to the URI of the Blob object.

  • Inside task_2 you can now perform a and read the file contents.

Local directory example#

Below is an equivalent local example for FlyteDirectory. The process of passing the FlyteDirectory between tasks is essentially identical to the FlyteFile example above.

def task1() -> FlyteDirectory:
    # Create new local directory
    p = os.path.join(current_context().working_directory, "my_new_directory")

    # Create and write to two files
    with open(os.path.join(p, "file_1.txt"), 'w') as file1:
        file1.write("This is file 1.")
    with open(os.path.join(p, "file_2.txt"), 'w') as file2:
        file2.write("This is file 2.")

    return FlyteDirectory(p)

def task2(fd: FlyteDirectory):
    # Get a list of the directory contents using os to return strings
    items = os.listdir(fd)

    # Get a list of the directory contents using FlyteDirectory to return FlyteFiles
    files = FlyteDirectory.listdir(fd)
    with open(files[0], mode="r") as f:
        d =
    print(f"The first line in the first file is: {d}")

def workflow():
    fd = task1()

Changing the data upload location#

Upload location

With Serverless, the remote location to which FlyteFile and FlyteDirectory upload container-local files is always a randomly generated (universally unique) location in’s internal object store. It cannot be changed.

With BYOC, the upload location is configurable.

By default, uploads local files or directories to the default raw data store (’s dedicated internal object store). However, you can change the upload location by setting the raw data prefix to your own bucket or specifying the remote_path for a FlyteFile or FlyteDirectory.

Setting up your own object store bucket

For details on how to set up your own object store bucket, consult the direction for your cloud provider:

Changing the raw data prefix#

If you would like files or directories to be uploaded to your own bucket, you can specify the AWS, GCS, or Azure bucket in the raw data prefix parameter at the workflow level on registration or per execution on the command line or in the UI. This setting can be done at the workflow level on registration or per execution on the command line or in the UI. will create a directory with a unique, random name in your bucket for each FlyteFile or FlyteDirectory data write to guarantee that you never overwrite your data.

Specifying remote_path for a FlyteFile or FlyteDirectory#

If you specify the remote_path when initializing your FlyteFile (or FlyteDirectory), the underlying data is written to that precise location with no randomization.

Using remote_path will overwrite data

If you set remote_path to a static string, subsequent runs of the same task will overwrite the file. If you want to use a dynamically generated path, you will have to generate it yourself.

Remote examples#

Remote file example#

In the example above, we started with a local file. To preserve that file across the task boundary, uploaded it to the object store before passing it to the next task.

You can also start with a remote file, simply by initializing the FlyteFile object with a URI pointing to a remote source. For example:

def task_1() -> FlyteFile:
    remote_path = ""
    return FlyteFile(path=remote_path)

In this case, no uploading is needed because the source file is already in a remote location. When the object is passed out of the task, it is converted into a Blob with the remote path as the URI. After the FlyteFile is passed to the next task, you can call on it, just as before.

If you don’t intend on passing the FlyteFile to the next task, and rather intend to open the contents of the remote file within the task, you can use from_source.

def load_json():
    uri = "gs://my-bucket/my-directory/example.json"
    my_json = FlyteFile.from_source(uri)

    # Load the JSON file into a dictionary and print it
    with open(my_json, "r") as json_file:
        data = json.load(json_file)

When initializing a FlyteFile with a remote file location, all URI schemes supported by fsspec are supported, including http, https(Web), gs (Google Cloud Storage), s3 (AWS S3), abfs, and abfss (Azure Blob Filesystem).

Remote directory example#

Below is an equivalent remote example for FlyteDirectory. The process of passing the FlyteDirectory between tasks is essentially identical to the FlyteFile example above.

def task1() -> FlyteDirectory:
    p = ""
    return FlyteDirectory(p)

def task2(fd: FlyteDirectory):
    # Get a list of the directory contents and display the first csv
    files = FlyteDirectory.listdir(fd)
    with open(files[0], mode="r") as f:
        d =
    print(f"The first csv is: \n{d}")

def workflow():
    fd = task1()


In the above examples, we showed how to access the contents of FlyteFile by calling The object returned by is a stream. In the above examples, the files were small, so a simple read() was used. But for large files, you can iterate through the contents of the stream:

def task_1() -> FlyteFile:
    remote_path = ""
    return FlyteFile(path=remote_path)

def task_2(ff: FlyteFile):
    with"r") as f
        for row in f:


Alternative, you can download the contents of a FlyteFile object to a local file in the task container. There are two ways to do this: implicitly and explicitly.

Implicit downloading#

The source file of a FlyteFile object is downloaded to the local container file system automatically whenever a function is called that takes the FlyteFile object and then calls FlyteFile’s __fspath__() method.

FlyteFile implements the os.PathLike interface and therefore the __fspath__() method. FlyteFile’s implementation of __fspath__() performs a download of the source file to the local container storage and returns the path to that local file. This enables many common file-related operations in Python to be performed on the FlyteFile object.

The most prominent example of such an operation is calling Python’s built-in open() method with a FlyteFile:

def task_2(ff: FlyteFile):
    with open(ff, mode="r") as f

open() vs

Note the difference between"r")


open(ff, mode="r")

The former calls the method and returns an iterator without downloading the file. The latter calls the built-in Python function open(), downloads the specified FlyteFile to the local container file system, and returns a handle to that file.

Many other Python file operations (essentially, any that accept an os.PathLike object) can also be performed on a FlyteFile object and result in an automatic download.

See Downloading with FlyteFile and FlyteDirectory for more information.

Explicit downloading#

You can also explicitly download a FlyteFile to the local container file system by calling

def task_2(ff: FlyteFile):
    local_path =

This method is typically used when you want to download the file without immediately reading it.

Typed aliases#

The SDK defines some aliases of FlyteFile with specific type annotations. Specifically, FlyteFile has the following aliases for specific file types:

  • HDF5EncodedFile

  • HTMLPage

  • JoblibSerializedFile

  • JPEGImageFile

  • PDFFile

  • PNGImageFile

  • PythonPickledFile

  • PythonNotebook

  • SVGImageFile

Similarly, FlyteDirectory has the following aliases:

  • TensorboardLogs

  • TFRecordsDirectory

These aliases can optionally be used when handling a file or directory of the specified type, although the object itself will still be a FlyteFile or FlyteDirectory. The aliased versions of the classes are syntactic markers that enforce agreement between type annotations in the signatures of task functions, but they do not perform any checks on the actual contents of the file.