Details of union run#

The union run command is used to run a specific workflow or task in your local Python environment or on Union. In this section we will discuss some of the details of how and why to use it.

Passing parameters#

union run enables you to execute a specific workflow using the syntax:

$ union run <path/to/> <workflow_or_task_function_name>

Keyword arguments can be supplied to union run by passing them in like this:

--<keyword> <value>

For example, above we invoked union run with script, workflow wf, and named parameter name:

$ union run wf --name 'Albert'

The value Albert is passed for the parameter name.

With snake_case argument names, you have to convert them to kebab-case. For example, if the code were altered to accept a last_name parameter then the following command:

$ union run wf --last-name 'Einstein'

would pass the value Einstein for that parameter.

Why union run rather than python?#

You could add a main guard at the end of the script like this:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    training_workflow(hyperparameters={"C": 0.1})

This would let you run it with python, though you have to hard code your arguments.

It would become even more verbose if you want to pass in your arguments:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import json
    from argparse import ArgumentParser

    parser = ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("--hyperparameters", type=json.loads)
    ...  # add the other options

    args = parser.parse_args()

union run lets you dispense with this verbosity and run the workflow with the desired arguments conveniently.