Understanding the code#

This is a simple “Hello, world!” example consisting of flat directory:

├── README.md
├── hello_world.py
├── pyproject.toml
└── uv.lock

Python code#

The hello_world.py file illustrates the essential components of a Union workflow:

"""Hello World"""

import union

image_spec = union.ImageSpec(

    # Build the image using Union's built-in cloud builder (not locally on your machine)

    # The name of the image. This image will be used byt he say_hello task

    # Lock file with dependencies to install in image

def say_hello(name: str) -> str:
    return f"Hello, {name}!"

def hello_world_wf(name: str = "world") -> str:
    greeting = say_hello(name=name)
    return greeting


The ImageSpec object is used to define the container image that will run the tasks in the workflow.

Here we have the simplest possible ImageSpec object, which specifies:

  • The builder to use to build the image. We specify union to indicate that the image is built using Union’s cloud image builder.

  • The name of the image. This name will be used to identify the image in the container registry.

  • The requirements parameter. We specify that the requirements should be read from the uv.lock file.

See ImageSpec for more information.


The @union.task decorator indicates a Python function that defines a task. A task tasks some input and produces an output. When deployed to Union cluster, each task runs in its own Kubernetes pod. For a full list of task parameters, see Task parameters.


The @union.workflow decorator indicates a function that defines a workflow. This function contains references to the tasks defined elsewhere in the code.

A workflow appears to be a Python function but is actually a DSL that only supports a subset of Python syntax and semantics.

When deployed to Union, the workflow function is “compiled” to construct the directed acyclic graph (DAG) of tasks, defining the order of execution of task pods and the data flow dependencies between them.

@union.task and @union.workflow syntax

  • The @union.task and @union.workflow decorators will only work on functions at the top-level scope of the module.

  • You can invoke tasks and workflows as regular Python functions and even import and use them in other Python modules or scripts.

  • Task and workflow function signatures must be type-annotated with Python type hints.

  • Task and workflow functions must be invoked with keyword arguments.


The pyproject.toml is the standard project configuration used by uv. In particular, it specifies the project dependencies and the Python version to use. The default pyproject.toml file created by union init from the union-simple template looks like this

name = "union-simple"
version = "0.1.0"
description = "A simple Union project"
readme = "README.md"
requires-python = ">=3.9,<3.13"
dependencies = ["union"]

(You can update to match the actual name of your project, my-project, if you like).

The most important part of the file is the list of dependencies, in this case consisting of only one package, union. See uv > Configuration > Configuration files for details.


The uv.lock file is generated from pyproject.toml by uv sync command. It contains the exact versions of the dependencies required by the project. See uv > Concepts > Projects > Locking and syncing for details.