CI/CD deployment#

So far we have covered the steps of deploying a project manually from the command line. In many cases, you will want to automate this process through a CI/CD system. In this section, we explain how to set up a CI/CD system to register, execute and promote workflows on Union. We will use GitHub Actions as the example CI/CD system.

Create a Union app#

An app is an agent registered in your Union data plane that enables external systems to perform actions in the system. To enable your CI/CD system to authenticate with Union, you need to create a Union app. See Applications.

First, create a specification file called app.yaml (for example) with the following contents (you can adjust the clientId and clientName to your requirements):

clientId: example-operator
clientName: Example Operator
- http://localhost:8080/authorization-code/callback
tokenEndpointAuthMethod: CLIENT_SECRET_BASIC

Now, create the app using the specification file:

$ uctl create app --appSpecFile app.yaml

The response should look something like this:

 ------------------ ------------------- ------------- ---------
| NAME             | CLIENT NAME       | SECRET      | CREATED |
 ------------------ ------------------- ------------- ---------
| example-operator |  Example Operator | <AppSecret> |         |
 ------------------ ------------------- ------------- ---------

Copy the <AppSecret> to an editor for later use. This is the only time that the secret will be displayed. The secret is not stored by Union.

Store the secret in your CI/CD secrets store#

Store the secret in your CI/CD secrets store. In GitHub, from the repository page:

  1. Select Settings > Secrets and variables > Actions.

  2. Select the Secrets tab and click New repository secret.

  3. Give a meaningful name to the secret, like UNION_APP_SECRET.

  4. Paste in the string from above as the value.

  5. Click Add secret.

Create a Union configuration file#

Until now the configuration file we have used has been local (~/.union/config.yaml, for example). For the CI/CD system you need to create one right in the same repository that holds your workflow code.

Create example-project/ci-config.yaml:

  endpoint: dns:///<union-host-url>
  clientId: example-operator
  clientSecretEnvVar: UNION_APP_SECRET
  insecure: false
  show-source: true
  level: 1


Note that the value ofclientSecretEnvVar(in his case, UNION_APP_SECRET) is the name of the variable that will be used by uctl within the CI/CD run environment.

It is also usually good practice to make this the same as the name under which the secret is stored within the CI/CD secret store, as shown above.

Set up your CI/CD configuration file#

Finally, you need to set up the CI/CD configuration file. For GitHub Actions you might create the file example-project/.github/workflows/deploy.yaml that looks like this:

name: Deploy

      - main

  PROJECT: onboarding

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      contents: read
      packages: write

      - name: Checkout repository
        uses: actions/checkout@v3

      - name: Build & Push Docker Image to Github Registry
        uses: whoan/docker-build-with-cache-action@v5
          username: ${{ secrets.UNIONAI_OSS_BOT_USERNAME }}
          password: ${{ secrets.UNIONAI_OSS_BOT_PASSWORD }}
          image_name: ${{ github.repository }}
          image_tag: ${{ env.PROJECT }}-${{ github.sha }},${{ env.PROJECT }}-latest
          registry: ${{ env.REGISTRY }}
          context: ./${{ env.PROJECT }}
          dockerfile: Dockerfile

      - name: Setup union
        run: |
          sudo apt-get install python3
          pip install -r ${{ env.PROJECT }}/requirements.txt
      - name: Setup uctl
        run: |
          curl -sL | bash
      - name: Package
        working-directory: ./${{ env.PROJECT }}
        run: |
          union --pkgs workflows package \
            --output ./flyte-package.tgz \
            --image ${{ env.REGISTRY }}/${{ github.repository_owner }}/${{ github.repository }}:${{ env.PROJECT }}-latest
      - name: Register
          UNION_APP_SECRET: ${{ secrets.UNION_APP_SECRET }}
        run: |
          bin/uctl --config ./ci-config.yaml \
            register files \
            --project onboarding \
            --domain production \
            --archive ./${{ env.PROJECT }}/flyte-package.tgz \
            --version ${{ github.sha }}


Note this section:

- name: Register

The first instance of the nameUNION_APP_SECRETmust be the same as that specified in the ci-config.yaml file as the value of clientSecretEnvVar.

Because we have followed the practice of using the same name for the secret stored in the CI/CD secret store, the value being retrieved here has the same name, secrets.UNION_APP_SECRET.

You will also see other secrets and environment variables accessed in this configuration file. These are related to the container build process, project name and so forth. For details, have a look at the GitHub docs and the docs for the tool used above, whoan/docker-build-with-cache-action.

Once this is set up, every push to the main branch in you repository will build and deploy your project to Union.